Friday, June 7, 2013

Website with

I've been working on my jewelry website for a while now and it's been live for a few months. I'm extremely proud of it but business is not good. It's partially my fault. I haven't been promoting it at all. After giving up on Etsy, because of the fee and the competition I just got lazy. Part of me wish it would just do it's thing and find me business lol.. if only that's all it takes.
This is my logo and I'm keeping it. Check out the site and let me know what you think.

On a side note, I've had this stone for a long time. I purchased a whole string of this because I love this stone and thought others will like it. It's a high quality gold rutilated quartz.
 The only person that had the chance to enjoy this stone is my mom. I remember when I was young my mom went through a crystal phase. She still wears her nicer citrine bracelets. I remembered we would go to the store and when we looked at gold rutilated quartz it usually cost a lot because of how precious the stones are... I won't get into the metaphysical properties, you can do a quick google search and find out more.