Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Max Factor will be discontinued in the United States.

So the other day I stopped by Duane Reade and their Max Factor Cosmetics was 75% off? As you can guess most of the product was sold out. 75% off is pretty hard to pass up. I was able to find a good shade in their "Pancake" foundation. It came out to be $ 1.87 plus tax. Not bad right?

Like many of you, one of the first thing I do is go online and check out their reviews. Surprisely, I didn't find a decent video on YouTube but I did find some on

Someone did briefly mention on a YouTube video that Max Factor was famous for their "Pancake" foundation but I honestly never heard of it. Also Max Factor was accredited on the invention of the makeup we use today. They invented the word MAKEUP ! bet you didn't know that. They also invented lip gloss.

Unfortunately, from my research (wikipedia and other source =/) correct me if I'm wrong but the parent company, Procter & Gamble are planning to discontinue Max Factor in the United States but it will continue to be sold in other countries.


  1. o no discountinuing in US too?...i'm not sure if it was offcially discontinued in Canada but i haven't seen any MAX Factor stuff since i was in grade 9...n THAT was long LONG i havn't seen any since so i'm convinced that it's discontinued in Canada..:P

  2. You can still stock up on Max Factor here:
